may be beneficial. I am only going to cover the ones that are a little more important for this class.
Tip #1 Exposure Compensation: For this, Over exposing by one or two stops will help you whites stay white and your highlights can be edited in post-processing.
Tip #2 Use Flash Setting Instead of Daylight to Warm Up the Image : The flash setting will help try and warm up but be careful not to over do it especially in post-processing. Snow is supposed to have a blue tint since it is made of water after all.
Tip #3 Rely on Your Histogram to Check the White Balance:
Tip #4 Use Aperture Priority to Quickly Change DoF: Aperture priority mode is for the camera to auto adjust your shutter speed within the camera
Tip #5 Post-Process to Bring Out Details in the Sky
Tip #6 Buy a Rain Cover
Tip #7 Keep the Camera Acclimatized: try using a ziplock bag, it will hold less moisture than your coat will. And keep two charged batteries on you at all times.
Tip #8 Stock Up on Microfiber Cloths
Tip #9 Try a Polarising Filter to Limit Snow Reflection: From reducing glare off of the snow to darkening skies, it will help keep the color and light balance that you desire.
Tip #10 Use a Lens Hood
Tip #11 Focus on the Contrast
Tip #12 Capture Snow Photography Bokeh: This is attainable by using a wide angle lens and focus on something other than the snow like a person or an animal. You want to make sure that the person is in focus and everything behind them is in focus as well.

Tip #13 Dress in Layers to Stay Warm
Tip #14 Photograph in the Mornings to Capture Snowy Details
Tip #15 Don't Let the Weather Stop You