Monday, December 9, 2019

Final Twenty Five

The settings for each picture is the information above the photograph. Also, up until four weeks ago, I had no idea that there was an autofocus button, therefore the pictures that were taken beforehand with manual focus will be labeled. 
ISO-3200  -- Aperture- ƒ/11 -- Shutter speed- 1/4000s

ISO-400 -- Aperture- ƒ/11 -- Shutter speed- 1/200s

ISO- 800 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed - 1/2500s -- manual focused

ISO-200  --  Aperture- ƒ/5 -- Shutter speed - 1/500s

ISO- 400 --  Aperture- ƒ/5 -- Shutter speed - 1/1250s

ISO- 400  --  Aperture- ƒ/5 -- Shutter speed - 1/800s -- manually focused

ISO- 800 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed - 1/2000s -- manually focused

ISO- 800 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed - 1/2000s -- manually focused

ISO- 200 --  Aperture- ƒ/6.3 -- Shutter speed - 1/1600s

ISO- 400 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed- 1/2000s

ISO- 800 --  Aperture- ƒ/9 -- Shutter speed - 1/4000s

ISO- 100 --  Aperture- ƒ/22 -- Shutter speed - 1/100s

ISO- 400 --  Aperture- ƒ/22 -- Shutter speed - 1/125s

ISO- 400 --  Aperture- ƒ/5 -- Shutter speed - 1/4000s

ISO- 400 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed - 1/2000s

ISO- 3200 --  Aperture- ƒ/13 -- Shutter speed- 1/800s -- manually focused -- With the knowledge of the autofocus button now, if I were to go back and take this picture I would put the camera into aperture priority mode and adjust the ISO and Shutter Speed accordingly -- The ISO on this picture is also a little high due to the overcast on the day the picture was taken. 

ISO- 32 --  Aperture- ƒ/2.2 -- Shutter speed - 1/3968s *this picture was taken off of an iPhone 6

ISO- 400 --  Aperture- ƒ/8 -- Shutter speed - 1/2500s 

ISO- 3200 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed - 1/4000s

ISO- 200 --  Aperture- ƒ/20 -- Shutter speed - 1/60s

ISO- 200 --  Aperture- ƒ/6.3 -- Shutter speed - 1/1600s

ISO- 800 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed - 1/2000s -- manually focused -- The shutter speed on this picture is higher than it should be, if I were to go back and to this again I would definitely lower it.

ISO- 800 --  Aperture- ƒ/5.6 -- Shutter speed - 1/2000s -- manually focused

ISO- 3200 --  Aperture- ƒ/9 -- Shutter speed - 1/4000s -- manually focused

ISO-1600  --  Aperture- ƒ/5 -- Shutter speed - 1/200s

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